Combine multiple text strings into a single text variable

Combine multiple text strings into a single text variable

To combine the values of two or more variables or text strings into a single text value, you use the string concatenation function. For example, you might want to combine 'the person's first name' (Harriet) with 'the person's last name' (Jones) to create 'the person's name' (Harriet Jones).

The concatenation function is commonly used to create variables that can be substituted into screen headings and labels.


The syntax for using the string concatenation function is:


For example:

the person’s name = the concatenation of the person’s first name & " " & the person's last name


NOTE: The (" ") part of the rule will insert a blank space between the first name and the last name. Similarly you could use (", ") to insert a comma and blank space in between text variables.

TIP: You can use variables of any type with this function. Values are formatted using the formatter that is installed in the rule session (refer to the topic Formatter Plugin Overview in the Oracle Policy Automation Developer's Guide for more information about formatters). To convert individual non-text variables into text, use the Text function.